Insurer Breach Affects Four States
Posted on November 20th, 2009 No commentsInsurer Health Net is reporting to insurance officials in four states the disappearance of a hard drive with protected health information of 1.5 million covered members. The reporting comes six months after the Los Angeles-based insurer learned the hard drive was missing. The data breach affects individuals in Arizona, Connecticut, New Jersey…
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Insurer Breach Affects Four States -
Lost health files cause patient scare
Posted on November 20th, 2009 No commentsThe Shelton based insurance carrier HealthNet admitted Thursday that it has lost a hard drive with information on over 440,000 state residents and an unknown number in the Torrington area. The data breach, which occurred in May, was only reported to state Attorney General Richard Blumenthal’s office and the state Department of Insurance thi…
See original here:
Lost health files cause patient scare -
T-Mobile employee sold customer’s personal details to rivals
Posted on November 18th, 2009 No commentsPersonal details of thousands of mobile-phone customers were sold by an employee of T-Mobile to rival firms in the biggest data breach of its kind.
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T-Mobile employee sold customer’s personal details to rivals -
Breach rule ‘not consistent with congressional intent’
Posted on November 2nd, 2009 No commentsHHS has pleased some, infuriated others and — along the way — stepped into a congressional buzz saw with the imaginative interpretation of statutory language it wrote into an administrative rule last month to flesh out the federal data breach notification provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
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Breach rule ‘not consistent with congressional intent’ -
Data Breach Danger: Study Shows It’s Real
Posted on October 29th, 2009 No commentsSo you received a data breach notification in the mail… no big deal, right? Not according to Javelin Strategy & Research’s latest report. read more
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Data Breach Danger: Study Shows It’s Real -
Hhs’ Ig plans audits for some health IT programs
Posted on October 28th, 2009 No commentsHHS’ inspector general will audit several IT systems and programs affected by the economic stimulus law.
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Hhs’ Ig plans audits for some health IT programs -
Data breach alerts linked to increased risk of ID theft
Posted on October 28th, 2009 No commentsConsumers who have received a data breach notification letter face a much higher risk of identity theft, according to a recent survey.
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Data breach alerts linked to increased risk of ID theft -
Four out of five healthcare IT pros had at least one data breach last year
Posted on October 23rd, 2009 No commentsEven IT professionals in hospitals are concerned that their organizations aren’t doing enough to safeguard electronic patient information, according to a newly released survey. The Traverse City, Mich.-based Ponemon Institute, with the support of security management firm LogLogic, reports that 61 percent of health IT practitioners doubt that t…
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Four out of five healthcare IT pros had at least one data breach last year -
Opinion: Ignore your customers’ privacy at your peril
Posted on October 23rd, 2009 No comments…But the possibility of a data breach is a greater concern. When a company suffers from unauthorised access to customer card information, the results can be disastrous.
Here is the original post:
Opinion: Ignore your customers’ privacy at your peril -
Schwarzenegger negs update to California breach law
Posted on October 15th, 2009 No commentsIn an apparent surprise move, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger rebuffed a bill that would have updated the 2003 landmark California data breach notification law.
Go here to see the original:
Schwarzenegger negs update to California breach law
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