California Legislature to take up data breach notification proposal
Posted on January 28th, 2011 No commentsState Sen. Joe Simitian, D-Palo Alto, has introduced a bill that he says will enhance consumer privacy protection by strengthening the notification requirements when databases of personal information are compromised.
The rest is here:
California Legislature to take up data breach notification proposal -
Governator does consumers a disservice with SB-20 veto
Posted on October 23rd, 2009 No commentsJoe Simitian, a Democratic state senator from California, is still scratching his head, some two weeks after Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed SB-20, an update to the landmark 2003 Golden State breach notification bill, known as SB-1386.
Read the original:
Governator does consumers a disservice with SB-20 veto -
Bill to bolster California breach law awaits governor
Posted on September 11th, 2009 No commentsCalifornia Sen. Joe Simitian is close to seeing another of his privacy bills get signed into law — this one requiring that data breach notification letters contain more details.
Excerpt from:
Bill to bolster California breach law awaits governor
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