Breach notification statutes: "um…we lost your Social Security number"
Posted on February 23rd, 2011 No commentsRegardless of their motivation, when employees misuse customer information, employers must recognize that such misconduct presents more than simply a competitive or employment concern.
See the original post:
Breach notification statutes: "um…we lost your Social Security number" -
California lawmaker tries again with data breach bill
Posted on February 2nd, 2011 No commentsA California lawmaker has reintroduced a bill that would update the state’s pioneering data breach notification law, SB-1386, to include additional requirements for organizations that lose sensitive data.
Read more:
California lawmaker tries again with data breach bill -
Legislation aims to expand breach notification obligations
Posted on February 1st, 2011 No commentsIn the past two months, lawmakers in Virginia, Oregon and California have introduced legislation that would expand the scope of certain security breach notification requirements.
See the article here:
Legislation aims to expand breach notification obligations -
Senate panel tries again to push through data breach bill
Posted on September 24th, 2010 No commentsData Security and Breach Notification Act would require businesses and nonprofits to adopt security practices that protect stored information from unauthorized access.
Visit link:
Senate panel tries again to push through data breach bill -
Data Breach Notification Roulette
Posted on September 16th, 2010 No commentsData Breach Notification Roulette Breaches involving sensitive information in paper format pose a risk of ID theft. So why don’t we have the right to notified?
Continued here:
Data Breach Notification Roulette -
Federal data protection law inches forward
Posted on November 6th, 2009 No commentsA sweeping new bill that would implement a national standard for data protection and breach notification got a boost of support today from the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Here is the original post:
Federal data protection law inches forward -
Study Finds U.S. Small Businesses Lack Cybersecurity Awareness and Policies
Posted on October 28th, 2009 No commentsSmall business owners’ cybersecurity policies and actions are not adequate enough to ensure the safety of their employees, intellectual property and customer data, according to the 2009 National Small Business Cybersecurity Study.
See the original post here:
Study Finds U.S. Small Businesses Lack Cybersecurity Awareness and Policies -
HHS Breach Notification Rules Again Under Fire
Posted on October 28th, 2009 No commentsThe Department of Health and Human Services should replace its controversial harm standard for triggering a personal health record data breach notification with a risk assessment approach that requires organizations to determine whether the data was actually viewed or acquired by an unauthorized person, according to the Center for Democracy an…
Excerpt from:
HHS Breach Notification Rules Again Under Fire -
AHA Endorses ‘Risk Threshold’ in HHS’ Data-Breach Notification Rule
Posted on October 28th, 2009 No commentsIn a comment letter sent to HHS officials, the American Hospital Association said it supports the inclusion of a “risk threshold” in the department’s interim final rule on health data breach notification, Health Data Management reports.
See the article here:
AHA Endorses ‘Risk Threshold’ in HHS’ Data-Breach Notification Rule -
Governator does consumers a disservice with SB-20 veto
Posted on October 23rd, 2009 No commentsJoe Simitian, a Democratic state senator from California, is still scratching his head, some two weeks after Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed SB-20, an update to the landmark 2003 Golden State breach notification bill, known as SB-1386.
Read the original:
Governator does consumers a disservice with SB-20 veto
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