PSI 2010 Meetings Tied to Four Events
Posted on February 8th, 2010 No commentsThe Paper Stock Industries (PSI) chapter of the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries Inc. (ISRI) has announced its 2010 meeting.
Each of the chapter’s membership and board meetings will be tied to larger recycling industry events in 2010. “The chapter is exploring new tie-in opportunities and taking advantage of industry event changes that will give our group some new exposure,” the PSI Board of Directors says in a news release accompanying the schedule announcement.
The PSI members and board will meet in 2010 at these four events:
• The Southeast Recycling Conference & Trade Show, Destin, Fla., March 7-10. On March 8, a PSI cocktail reception will take place at the Hilton Sandestin Beach Golf Resort & Spa, where the event is being held. The announcement from PSI notes, “This new PSI event is in lieu of past receptions at Paper Week in New York City; because of a schedule change by AF&PA (the American Forest & Paper Association), the Paper Mills’ Recycling Division of AF&PA will not be meeting at Paper Week this year.”
• ISRI Annual Convention & Exposition, San Diego, May 4-8. “Paper and recovered fiber recycling is the newest segment to be fully incorporated into convention programming as ISRI’s Paper Stock Industries (PSI) Chapter moves to participate more fully in the convention,” says PSI. “The PSI Chapter will hold its semi-annual chapter meeting during the annual ISRI Convention as well.”
• Paper Recycling Conference & Trade Show, Chicago, June 13-15. A PSI cocktail reception and meetings will take place in coordination with the Recycling Today Paper Recycling Conference, held at the Marriott Downtown Chicago Magnificent Mile.
• 49th Annual PSI Fall Conference, Palm Beach, Fla., Nov. 9-12. The 49th annual version of the PSI Fall Conference is to be held at the Four Seasons Resort in Palm Beach.
More information on the PSI’s involvement in these events can be obtained by e-mailing
info@paperstockindustries.org.National Association for Information Destruction, Recycling AF&PA (the American Forest & Paper Association), Four Seasons Resort in Palm Beach, Hilton Sandestin Beach Golf Resort & Spa, Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries Inc. (ISRI), ISRI Annual Convention & Exposition, Marriott Downtown Chicago Magnificent Mile, Paper Mills’ Recycling Division of AF&PA, Paper Stock Industries (PSI), Paper Week in New York City, recycling industry, Recycling Today Paper Recycling Conference, The Southeast Recycling Conference & Trade ShowLeave a reply
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